Ffotograffiaeth ddogfen i bortreadu’r teulu Documentary-style family portrait photography
Mae dathliadau teuluol yn gyfle grêt i dynnu lluniau o’r teulu ac i greu atgofion sbesial i’r teulu cyfan.
Ar ôl iddi sylweddoli hyn, nath fy nghleient, Caryl gomisiynu fi’n ddiweddar i dynnu lluniau o’i theulu achos bod ei rhieni’n dathlu 40 mlynedd o briodas.
O’dd y teulu ishe tynnu lluniau ohonyn nhw yn y bore ar fferm y teulu. O’n nhw wedi trefnu mynd ma’s am o fwyd ar ôl ’ny i ddathlu.
Documentary-style family portrait photography: A 40th Wedding Anniversary celebration
Family celebrations are a great opportunity to capture family portraits and to create lovely memories for the whole family to enjoy.
My client, Caryl, realised this and recently commissioned me to photograph her family as her parents were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary.
The family wanted a photoshoot of them all together in the morning at their family farm, and then they were planning to go out for a meal after the shoot to celebrate.
Ffotograffiaeth deuluol ma’s tu fas
Pan ’nes i drafod y sesiwn tynnu lluniau i ddechre gyda Caryl, o’dd popeth wedi’i drefnu i fod tu fa’s ar glos y fferm ac yn y caeau a’r sgubor.
Yn anffodus, o’dd y diwrnod ei hun yn stormus a’n rhy wael i fod ma’s hyd yn oed i dynnu cwpwl o luniau. O’dd y gwynt mor gryf. Mae’n gymaint o siom pan mae’r tywydd yn eich erbyn. Bydde fe wedi bod yn sbesial gallu bod ma’s ar glos y fferm a ma’s yn y caeau i dynnu lluniau naturiol o Caryl a’i theulu.
Outdoor family photography
When I originally discussed the shoot with Caryl, we planned to do it outside on the farmyard and in the fields and barns.
Unfortunately, though, when the day arrived the weather was stormy, and it was too bad to go outside even for a couple of shots. The wind was just too much.
When the weather plays up like this, it’s always a little disappointing. Being out on the farmyard and in the fields would have been a lovely way to get natural relaxed photos of Caryl and her family.
Newid cynllun amdani! Portreadau hamddenol o’r teulu yn y tŷ
Ond, o’n i’n benderfynol! Yn ffotograffydd priodasau a digwyddiadau, fi’n gyfarwydd â gorfod meddwl yn greadigol, o dan bwysau. Fi’n aml yn gweithio yn yr awyr agored, a ma’s ym mhob tywydd!
Yn lle tynnu lluniau o’r teulu yn yr awyr agored, nes i greu portreadau hamddenol o’r teulu yn y tŷ. Nes i feddwl am syniade ar gyfer portreadau o’r teulu a fyddai’n gweithio yn y tŷ, ac a fyddai’n neud yn siŵr bo fi’n gallu tynnu lluniau o’r teulu gyda’i gilydd, fel o’n nhw wedi gobeithio.
A change of plan! Relaxed indoor family portraits
Still, I was undeterred! Thinking creatively under pressure is something that I am used to as a wedding and events photographer who often is working outdoors and who is beholden to the elements!
Instead of photographing the family outdoors, I created relaxed indoor family portraits.
I came up with family portrait ideas that would work indoors and which would still ensure the family got the photographs of them together, as they had wanted.
Ffotograffiaeth yn llawn sbort i bortreadu’r teulu
Pan nath Caryl ddangos y gegin i fi, nes i sylwi ar focs o gacennau bach a chacennau sbesial o’n nhw wedi’u prynu o’u pobydd lleol ar gyfer y dathliad. Ges i’r syniad yn syth o gael pawb i ishte rownd y ford i gal dished o de a chacen.
Achos o’n nhw’n mynd mas am fwyd yn syth ar ôl tynnu lluniau, nath pawb gytuno bo nhw ddim yn mynd i fyta’r cacennau bach go iawn, a bo nhw’n mynd i gadw nhw tan ar ôl y bwyd. Felly, nes i ddefnyddio’r cacennau fel props ar gyfer eu lluniau teuluol. O’dd rhaid iddyn nhw actio tamed bach i jocan bo nhw ar fin bwyta’r cacennau!
Odd hyn yn dipyn o sbort, gyda digon o ’werthin, gan wneud i bawb ymlacio’n syth. I fi, o’dd hyn yn sbesial, achos nes i allu dal y teulu’n gwenu’n naturiol ac yn joio yng nghwmni ei gilydd – sef yn gwmws y math o ffotograffiaeth fi’n hoffi creu!
Fun family portrait photography
When Caryl showed me their kitchen, I noticed a box of luxury cupcakes and cake they had bought from their local cake maker for the occasion. This instantly gave me the idea of getting everyone around the table for a cup of tea and cake.
As they were going for lunch after the shoot, they all agreed that they were not going to actually eat the cupcakes but instead would save them until after the food. So, this meant that we would use the cakes as props in their family photos, but there would be a certain amount of play-acting required to make it look as though they were about to tuck in!
This added an extra element of fun and giggles which instantly relaxed everyone. For me this was brilliant, as I was able to capture natural smiles and interactions between members of the family – exactly the kind of photography I love to create!
Lluniau dathliad pen-blwydd priodas i’w trysori
Er gwaetha’r tywydd gwael ar y diwrnod, trwy feddwl yn gloi a bod yn greadigol ar y pryd, a bod y teulu mor barod i drial fy syniadau, cafodd Caryl a’i theulu atgofion sbesial o ben-blwydd priodas ei rhieni’n 40.
O’dd lluniau portread y dathliad yn hamddenol, yn naturiol ac yn adrodd y stori ar y pryd. Fel gallwch chi weld o’r lluniau, nes i greu gwahanol luniau sydd ’nawr yn rhoi digonedd o gyfle i’r teulu hel atgofion am y dathliad, a’r sbort o’n nhw wedi’i gael ar y diwrnod.
Wedding anniversary portraits to treasure
Despite the terrible weather on the day, my quick-thinking and creativity and the willingness of the family to roll with my ideas, ensured that Caryl and her family ended up with wonderful memories of her parent’s 40th wedding anniversary.
The anniversary portraits were relaxed, natural and told the story of the moment. As you can see from the photographs I’m sharing here, I created a variety of images which now give the family plenty of opportunities to recall the celebration and the fun they had on the day.
Ffotograffiaeth ddogfen i bortreadu’r teulu
Nes i wir joio’r sesiwn tynnu lluniau ’ma. O’dd hi’n sialens achos bo ni wedi ffili tynnu lluniau yn yr awyr agored fel o’n i wedi trefnu neud. Ond, i fi, ma ishe derbyn bod wastad ffordd o ddatrys pethe, bob tro.
Mae wastad cyfle i dynnu lluniau naturiol, hamddenol o deuluoedd gyda’i gilydd, beth bynnag yw’r tywydd.
Yr eisin ar y gacen (chwarae ar eiriau’n fwriadol!) yw bo fi wedi cael adborth sbesial gan Caryl a gweddill y teulu ers ’ny, ac maen nhw’n dwli ar y lluniau.
Os chi ishe fy nghomisiynu i dynnu lluniau dogfen ohonoch chi a’ch teulu, cysylltwch â fi. Fi wrth fy modd yn tynnu lluniau teulu, gan weithio gyda phobl o bob oed, a’ch helpu i ddangos stori eich bywyd teulu unigryw chi.
Documentary-style family portrait photography
I really enjoyed this shoot. It was a challenge because the original plan of photographing the family outside did not work out, but my approach is to recognise that there is always a way around things.
There is always an opportunity to get lovely relaxed natural images of families together whatever the weather.
The cherry on the cake (pun intended!) is that I’ve since had wonderful feedback from Caryl and the rest of the family, as they are very happy with the photos.
If you’re interested in commissioning me to take documentary-style family portrait photography of you and your loved ones, then please get in touch. I love family photography and working with people of all ages, and helping you capture the story of your unique family life.