September 2, 2021


masnachol | Commercial


10 mlynedd yn ôl, o’dd ysgol Gymraeg newydd o’r enw Ysgol Tan-y-lan yn Nhreforys, Abertawe, ar fin agor a nethon nhw ofyn i fi ddylunio logo’r ysgol. (Cyn i fi fod yn ffotograffydd, o’n i’n ddylunydd graffeg proffesiynol. Mwy amdana i fan hyn).

Fi’n falch iawn bo fi ’di cael y cyfle i roi’n stamp creadigol i ar Dreforys - man sy’n bwysig i fi achos y cysylltiade cryf sy’ ’da fi â’r dre.

Dathlu degawd yn yr ysgol

10 mlynedd wedyn, nid yn unig bo’r ysgol yn dathlu ei phen-blwydd yn 10 oed, ond mae hefyd yn symud i gartre’ newydd. 

Na’th y pennaeth, Berian Jones, gysylltu gyda fi’n ddiweddar a gofynnodd e i fi greu logo arbennig i ddathlu pen-blwydd yr ysgol yn 10 oed, ac i ddiweddaru logo’r ysgol. Mae’n bwriadu creu crysau-t ar gyfer y dathlu a phethau eraill i’r plant erbyn i’r flwyddyn ysgol newydd ddechrau ym mis Medi. 


10 years ago, a new Welsh language school called Ysgol Tan y Lan in Morriston, Swansea was due to open, and I was commissioned to design their school logo. (Prior to photography, I worked as a professional graphic designer. More about me here.). 

I’m very proud of having had the opportunity to leave my creative stamp in Morriston – somewhere that is special to me because of the personal connections I have with the town. 


Now, a decade on, the school is not only celebrating their 10th anniversary, but it is also moving to new premises. 

The Headmaster, Berian Jones, got in contact recently and asked me to create a special 10th anniversary celebration logo and to update the existing school logo. He intends to make celebratory t-shirts and other merchandise for the kids when the new school year starts in September.

Ffotograffiaeth ddogfen i’r ysgol 

Nath e hefyd ofyn ifi ddod i’r ysgol yn ystod yr ‘Wythnos Llesiant’ i dynnu lluniau o ddiwrnod arferol ym mywyd yr ysgol – prosiect tynnu lluniau dogfen a oedd yn siwtio fi i’r dim!

Pan fydd yr adeilad newydd yn barod, bydd oriel o’r lluniau’n cael ei dangos yn yr ysgol newydd. Bydd y lluniau’n helpu disgyblion a staff heddi a fory i gofio ac i ddathlu stori a hanes yr 


He also commissioned me to come into the school during their ‘Wellbeing Week’ and to photograph a typical day-in-the-life at the school - a documentary photo project that was right up my street!

When the new school is ready, the photographs will be created into a gallery within the new school premises. They will help current and future pupils and staff to remember and celebrate the story and history of this Welsh language-speaking school. 

Fy Sesiwn Tynnu Lluniau Berffaith

Nes i fynd i Ysgol Tan-y-lan am bedwar diwrnod ym mis Mai. O’dd hyn yn sbesial achos o’n i’n gallu dal bywyd bob dydd a dangos gwahanol weithgareddau a phob grŵp oed dros sawl diwrnod – o’dd hwn yn creu pictiwr real o fywyd yr ysgol. 

O’dd hwn yn sesiwn tynnu lluniau berffaith i fi. Fi wir yn joio yn dal adegau naturiol, ac yn joio gweithio gyda phlant. O’dd hi’n sbesial bod yng nghwmni’r plant – o’n nhw’n amlwg yn joio ma’s draw yn yr ysgol!


I visited the Ysgol Tan y Lan school over a period of four days in May. This was great as it meant I could document everyday life and capture all ages and activities across several days – giving a full picture of what life is like there. This is my ideal photoshoot. I love capturing natural moments and working with children. Being in amongst kids who obviously loved their school life was amazing!

Lluniau ysgol yn llawn hwyl yn dangos eiliadau o fywyd go iawn 

O’dd y plant yn gymaint o sbort! O’n nhw’n joio o flaen y camera. 

O’dd merch ym Mlwyddyn 3 yn dangos ei moves gymnasteg i fi bob tro y bydde hi’n gweld fi gyda’r camera yn fy llaw. Daeth ei ffrind draw ata i ar ôl ’ny a gweud “ 'Sdim esgyrn ’da ddi!” Nes i forstio ma’s i ’werthin, a meddwl pa mor anhygoel yw meddwl plentyn!

Rhwbeth arall wna’ i fyth anghofio oedd pan o’n i yn y Meithrin. O’dd y plant bach i gyd yn canu o flaen y bwrdd gwyn. O’n i tu ôl cwpwrdd, a gwelodd dau blentyn fi a dechrau ’neud wynebe doniol!

Ges i bwl o ’werthin, a dechreuodd y staff werthin hefyd!


The kids were loads of fun! They loved being in front of the camera. 

A girl in Year 3 was always showing me her gymnastic moves whenever she saw me and the camera. A friend of hers came up to me afterwards and said, “she’s got no bones”! I just burst out laughing and thought how wonderful kids’ minds are!

Another moment I’ll never forget was in the nursery class. The young children were all singing in front of the white screen. I was behind a cabinet and two little kids spotted me and peeped up and started making funny faces! I couldn’t control the giggles, and both the teacher and teacher assistant couldn’t control the laughter either! 

Tynnu lluniau o fywyd ysgol yn Abertawe

Fi mor falch bo fi ’di cael y cyfle i fod yn ffotograffydd ysgol i staff a phlant Ysgol Tan-y-lan, a chreu ffotograffiaeth ddogfen i’r ysgol Gymraeg sbesial ’ma!  

O’dd hi’n grêt cael dal teimlad bywyd bob dydd yn ystod yr Wythnos Llesiant, ac i ddangos y berthynas rhwng yr athrawon a’r plant drwy ffotograffiaeth.  

Beth na’th aros ’da fi ’fyd oedd pa mor hapus a saff o’dd y plant yn yr ysgol. O’n i’n teimlo mor lwcus bo fi’n cael y cyfle i brofi bywyd ysgol yn Ysgol Tan-y-lan. Fi’n gwbod bo rhein yn adege dyw’r rhieni ddim yn cael y cyfle i’w gweld.  

Fi wir yn gobeithio y bydd y ffotograffau dogfen fi wedi’u creu i’r ysgol yn helpu pawb sy’n rhan o fywyd yr ysgol i ddeall y gwaith caled, y cariad a’r gofal mae pob un athro yn ei roi i’r disgyblion.  


I’m so glad to have had this opportunity to work with the staff and children of Ysgol Tan y Lan as their school photographer, and to create documentary-style school photography for this brilliant Welsh school! 

It was great to be involved in capturing the day-to-day life during Wellbeing Week, and to be able to show the relationships between the teachers and pupils through photography. 

What struck me was how happy and safe the kids at this school seem to be. It was a privilege to have had the chance to experience school life at Ysgol Tan y Lan. I realise that these are moments that parents don’t get to see. 

Ffotograffiaeth Ysgol Abertawe

Os ydych chi’n Bennaeth, a byddech chi’n hoffi ffotograffau o steil debyg i gadw cofnod o’r adegau arbennig sy’n digwydd yn eich ysgol, cysylltwch â fi

Nes i wir joio’r prosiect ffotograffiaeth ysgol yma, a bydden i’n dwli bod yn ffotograffydd ysgol i fwy o ysgolion Cymraeg a Saesneg. Bydd lluniau proffesiynol fel rhein yn helpu eich ysgol i gadw cofnod o fywyd bob dydd yr ysgol, a chreu atgofion o ddigwyddiadau pwysig.

School photography Swansea

If you’re a Headteacher and would like similar style photographs to preserve the special moments happening in your school, please get in touch

I really enjoyed this school photography project and would love to work with more Welsh and English schools as a school photographer. Professional photographs like these will help your school to document and capture everyday school life and create memories of important events.