Cafodd priodas Llion a Joelle ei chynnal yn y Ganolfan Ddinesig, Abertawe.
Oherwydd Covid, nifer cyfyngedig o bobl oedd yn gallu bod yno, felly dewison nhw wahodd aelod arall o’u teulu i wylio’r gwasanaeth yn hytrach na chael fi’n tynnu lluniau’r seremoni.
Felly, ro’n i’n aros yn eiddgar amdanyn nhw tu fa’s gyda’r gwesteion eraill, yn barod i dynnu’r lluniau ‘conffeti’ wrth iddyn nhw gerdded ma’s yn ŵr a gwraig am y tro cynta’. Roedd pawb mor hapus!
Llion and Joelle’s wedding ceremony was held at the Civic Centre in Swansea.
Because of Covid, the number of people who could attend was restricted so they opted to invite an extra member of their family to watch the proceedings instead of me capturing the ceremony.
Therefore, I was eagerly waiting outside with other guests and was there to photograph fun ‘confetti’ shots as they walked out as man and wife together for the first time. There were smiles all round!

Roedd brecwast priodas Llion a Joelle ym mwyty Pant-y-Gwydr, a oedd yn wâc o tua 10 munud o’r Ganolfan Ddinesig.
O’n i’n dwli eu bod nhw wedi dewis cerdded draw i’r lleoliad gyda’u gwesteion, yn lle teithio mewn car. Rhoddodd hyn cymaint o gyfleoedd i fi dynnu lluniau o bawb yn cerdded drwy’r dre’. Roedd e’n sbesial!
Roedd pawb yn edrych yn ffantastig, pob un wedi gwisgo’n smart ac yn cerdded yn hamddenol ar hyd strydoedd Abertawe. Gwnaeth criw’r briodas yn sicr dynnu sylw sawl un!
A finne’n ffan o’r Beatles, nes i hefyd gymryd y cyfle i dynnu rhai lluniau steil Abbey Road, ac roedd y gwesteion wrth eu bodd yn cymryd rhan ynddynt.
Llion and Joelle’s wedding breakfast was at Pant y Gwydyr Restaurant which was about a 10-minute walk from the Civic Centre.
What I loved was that rather than travel by car, they walked with their guests to the venue. This provided me with lots of opportunities to capture everyone walking through town. It was brilliant!
Everyone looking amazing, all dressed up and casually walking the streets of Swansea. The wedding party certainly turned a few heads!
Being a Beatles fan, I also took the opportunity to take some Abbey Road-inspired shots which the guests loved taking part in.
Ar ôl y wledd a’r areithiau, parhaodd y dathlu draw ar y traeth.
Cerddodd y gwesteion yno gan ymuno â chriw o ffrindiau nad oedd wedi gallu bod yn rhan o’r wledd a’r seremoni. Roedd e’n ffordd sbesial o gynnwys pawb a oedd yn annwyl i Llion a Joelle.
Roedd gazebo a seddau’n creu awyrgylch hamddenol, a diolch i’r drefn roedd y tywydd yn ffein hefyd. Roedd hi’n nosweth fendigedig ar y traeth.
Mae Bae Abertawe’n drawiadol pan mae’r tywydd yn bihafio. Roedd hi mor hyfryd i fod yno’r nosweth ’ma. Odd e’n teimlo fel bo' ni dramor!
After the meal and speech, the wedding continued on the beach.
All of the guests walked there and joined a gathering of friends who hadn’t been able to attend the meal and ceremony. It was a lovely way of involving everyone special to Llion and Joelle.
A gazebo and seating area created a lovely, relaxed atmosphere, and thankfully the weather was on their side. It turned out to be a beautiful evening on the beach.
Swansea Bay is stunning when the weather is behaving. It was so wonderful to be there that evening. It felt like we were abroad!
Nath dathliade hamddenol y briodas bara i mewn i’r nos. Cafodd pizzas eu harchebu i bawb eu bwyta yn y nos. Fel y gallwch weld, roedd y priodfab, y briodferch a phawb a oedd yno wedi ymlacio ac yn cael amser wrth eu bodd.
Wrth i’r haul fachlud, fe wnes i a sawl un o’r gwesteion hŷn adael y dathliadau. Dwi’n siŵr bod Llion a Joelle a’r gweddill wedi parhau i ddathlu tan yr oriau mân.
The relaxed wedding celebrations continued into the evening. Pizzas were ordered for everyone as an evening meal, and you could see that the bride and groom and everyone there was chilled and having a great time.
As the sun started to fade, myself and many of the elder guests left the celebrations. No doubt, Llion and Joelle and the others continued to celebrate into the late evening.
Am briodas ffantastig, anffurfiol! Gwnaeth Llion a Joelle y mwyaf o gael priodas agos atoch, a rhoi stamp eu hunain arni. Roedd e’n sbesial bod yn rhan ohoni.
Dyma rai o fy hoff luniau o’r diwrnod.
What a fantastic, informal wedding! Llion and Joelle certainly made the most of having an intimate wedding and truly made it their own. It was brilliant to have been part of it.
Here are some of my favourite photos from the day.