February 10, 2022

A trip around Wales (and down memory lane) for Farming Connect

masnachol | Commercial


Ers sawl blwyddyn ’nawr, fi ’di cael fy nghomisiynu gan Cyswllt Ffermio. Maen nhw wedi gofyn i fi dynnu penluniau o ffermwyr sydd wedi’u dewis i gymryd rhan yn yr Academi Amaeth. Mae’r gwaith wedi mynd â fi ar anturiaethau bach ar hyd a lled De Cymru.


For several years now, I have been commissioned by Farming Connect. I‘ve been tasked with creating headshot photographs of farmers who have been successfully selected to take part in their Agri Academy. The work has involved me taking mini adventures around south Wales. 

Penluniau i Cyswllt Ffermio  

Wrth dynnu lluniau o’r ffermwyr yn eu hamgylchedd gwaith a’u cynefin, fi wedi cael y cyfle i brofi rhai o’r llefydd perta’ yng nghefn gwlad. Mae e hefyd wedi bod yn agoriad llygaid go iawn i fi o ran bywyd ar y fferm. 

Eleni, o’dd y comisiwn bach yn wahanol.  

Fi ’di bod ym mhob rhan o Gymru ar gyfer Cyswllt Ffermio! Bob man, o Sir Ddinbych i Bowys i Sir Fynwy, draw i Geredigion, lawr i Sir Benfro a nôl drwy Sir Gâr!

Headshot photography for Farming Connect

Photographing the farmers in their working environments and natural surroundings, I’ve had the chance to experience some of the most beautiful places in the deep countryside. I also have gained a fascinating insight into farm life. This year, the commission was slightly different. I’ve been all over Wales for Farming Connect! Everywhere from Denbighshire to Powys down to Monmouthshire, across to Cardiganshire, down to Pembrokeshire and back through Carmarthenshire! 

Ailymweld â fy ngwreiddiau yng Ngheredigion 

Rhywbeth dwi heb ei rannu ar y blog hwn o’r blan yw ’mod i wedi fy magu ym mhentre’ bach Pontsian, yng nghefn gwlad Ceredigion. Nes i hala’r rhan fwya’ o fy amser pan o’n i’n blentyn yn chwarae ar glos ffermydd a chaeau ffrindie, ac roedd y rhan fwya’ o deulu ochr mam yn ffermwyr.  Mae hyn wedi fy mharatoi i’n dda ar gyfer y gwaith dwi’n ei wneud fel ffotograffydd masnachol a theuluol. O fod wedi fy magu yng nghefn gwlad, fi ’di datblygu’r sgiliau i wybod sut i uniaethu gyda ffermwyr a bywyd ar y fferm.

Mae e wastad yn helpu i dorri’r iâ pan fi’n cyrraedd sesiwn tynnu lluniau ar gyfer Cyswllt Ffermio, pan fi’n dweud 'mod i wedi fy ngeni a fy magu yng nghefn gwlad. 

Mae’n ffordd o wneud i’r ffermwyr ymlacio am ymddiried yndda i, ac mae'n fy helpu i gael perthynas gyda nhw’n syth – i’r graddau bo’ fi wedi cael fy nghomisiynu i dynnu lluniau o briodas gefn gwlad ar ôl un o’r teithie hyn!  

Revisitinng my family roots in Cardiganshire

Something I’ve not previously shared here on the blog is that I was brought up in a little village called Pontsian, which is located deep in Cardiganshire’s countryside. I spent most of my childhood playing with friends on their farmyards and fields, and most of my family on my mother’s side were farmers. This has put me in great stead for the work I do now as a commercial and family photographer. By growing up in the countryside, I’ve developed the skills and know how to relate with farmers and farm life. It’s always a good icebreaker when I first arrive on a shoot with the Farming Connect farmers to say that I was born and raised in the countryside. It seems to relax the farmers and helps me to builds instant rapport and trust, to the extent that I’ve even been commissioned to photograph a country wedding off the back of these trips! 

Cei Newydd, Ceredigion

Trip teuluol o gwmpas Cymru 

Ar un o’r sesiynau tynnu lluniau eleni i Cyswllt Ffermio, nes i wahodd mam i ddod gyda fi ar y road trip.  Dyma ffordd o grêt o ddala lan a hala bach o amser gyda Mam gan fynd â hi mas ar ôl iddi fod yn sdyc yn y tŷ am gymaint o amser yn ystod y locdown

Ddechreuon ni’r daith drwy fynd i bentre’ Cei Bach, i fferm sydd hefyd yn faes carafannau static. Ma ganddyn nhw’r olygfa orau o Gei Newydd, a dyma’r lle mwya’ poblogaidd i wersylla ar hyd arfordir Ceredigion, siŵr o fod. Wedyn, bant â ni lawr i Sir Benfro. Moithan Meadow oedd un o’r ffermydd i ni fynd iddi. Maen nhw newydd agor safle eco-wersylla. Dyma oedd y prif ffocws, ond maen nhw hefyd yn ffermio defaid Llanwenog.

A family road trip around Wales

On one of the shoots this year for Farming Connect, I invited my mother to join me on the road trip. I thought that it would be a great chance to catch up and spend some quality time with her and to take her out of her usual surroundings after being inside for so long during lockdown. We started the journey with a trip to a village called Cei Bach. It was a farm which is also a static caravan site. It has the best view of Cei Newydd (New Quay) and is probably the most popular camping destination on Ceredigion’s coastline. After that, off we then went down to Pembrokeshire. One farm we visited was Moithan Meadow. They have recently opened an eco-glamping site. The main focus was this, but they also farm Llanwennog sheep


Pan gyrhaeddes i 'nôl i’r car ar ôl tynnu lluniau, o’dd mam yn egseited bost i weld y defaid. Ges i bach o sioc i ddechre’, achos ni’n gweld defaid bob dydd lle ni’n byw. 

Ond wedyn glywes i’r rheswm pam o’dd gyda hi gymaint o ddiddordeb i weld y defaid sbesial hyn! Mae’n debyg bod fy hen dad-cu yn un o’r ffermwyr arloesol o’dd wedi dechre brid Defaid Llanwenog. Wrth gwrs, unwaith glywes i hyn, o’n i wedi cynhyrfu gymaint â hi! Do’dd dim syniad ’da fi am hyn o’r blaen. O’n i’n gyfarwydd â’r brid ond heb ddeall bod cymaint o gysylltiad rhyngof i a nhw. Felly, nid yn unig bo fi’n ddiolchgar o’r comisiwn tynnu lluniau masnachol ar gyfer Cyswllt Ffermio unwaith eto, ond hefyd dwi’n ddiolchgar achos bo fi wedi cael y cyfle i deithio i bron pob cwr o Gymru. Hefyd, ges i gyfle i dreulio amser gyda mam A dysgu bach o hanes y teulu hefyd, a dwi mor falch o’r hanes. Rhywbeth doeddwn i ddim wedi ei ddisgwyl o gwbl!

An intriguing discovery!

When I got back into the car after the shoot, my mother was all excited to see the sheep. At first, I was surprised by this as we see sheep every day where we live. But then I got to her the reason why she was so interested in these particular sheep! It turns out that my great grandfather was one of the pioneering farmers that started the Llanwenog Sheep breed. Of course, once I knew this, I got as excited as she was. Before that, I really had no clue about it. I knew of the breed but didn’t realise how much of a connection I had with them. Therefore, I’m not only grateful for the commercial photo commission for Farming Connect once again, but also for the fact that I had the chance to travel to nearly all four corners of Wales. Plus, I got to spend time with my mother AND learn some family history too, which I’m incredibly proud of. A very unexpected revelation! 

Mam wedi ffindo'r llyfr yma yn ddiwedar | My mother recently found this book. What a great find!

Rhes gefn ar y dde mae fy nhadcu gyda gweddill pwyllgor y gymdeithas | My grandfarther is standing in the back row on the right.


Byddwn i wrth fy modd yn clywed wrthoch os oes gennych brosiect ffotograffiaeth sy’n cynnwys cymunedau gwledig neu gymunedau ffermio yng Nghymru, neu os ydych yn chwilio am ffotograffydd priodas Cymreig a Chymraeg i dynnu lluniau o’ch priodas gefn gwlad. Gallwch gysylltu â fi a gweld mwy o fy lluniau masnachol a lluniau priodas yma ar fy ngwefan ac yn y blog. 

Photography for the farming community in Wales

I would love to hear from you if you have a photography project involving the rural or farming communities in Wales, or if you’re looking for a Welsh wedding photographer to photograph your rural wedding. You can get in touch with me, and view more of my commercial photography and wedding photography here on the website and featured in the blog.